
... maybe tomorrow ...


La gente los odia, pero a mí me encantan. El bullicio del despertar de la ciudad, la actividad rutinaria, (la esperanza por que llegue de nuevo el finde), el ajetreo de coches, las legañas en las caras, ... Me gustan sobre todo cuando los martes tengo libre (como es el caso de esta semana).

Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros una canción que sin duda está marcando mi estancia en LONDRES. En el restaurante donde trabajaba al principio la escuchabamos todos lo días y la verdad que no me canso de ella. Me transmite tranquilidad y positividad a la par y lo que dice me encanta.

Es de Stereophonics, una banda galesa que se formó en 1992 y en cuyos comienzos se hacían llamar Tragic Love Company. Yo no los conocía hasta que no llegué aquí y la verdad es que me han sorprendido gratamente. Rock lento y con sentimiento, voces desgarradas, toques de guitarra que no dejan indiferente y un estilo que a veces es comercial pero con mucha personalidad.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


People hate them, but I love them. The noise of the awakening of the city, the routine activity (hope that comes back the Finder), the bustle of cars, bleary faces ... I like especially when I have Tuesday free (as is the case this week). Today I want to share with you a song that certainly is making my stay in LONDON.

In the restaurant where he worked at first listened to all the days and the truth that I never tire of it. Gives me peace and positivity to the pair and I love what he says.

It Stereophonics, a Welsh band formed in 1992 and whose beginnings were made call Tragic Love Company. I did not know until I got here and the truth is that I have been pleasantly surprised. Rock slowly and with feeling, torn voice, guitar touches that leave no one indifferent and sometimes style is commercial but with lots of personality.

♫  ... maybe tomorrow ... 

"I look around at a beautiful life
Been the upperside of down
Been the inside of out
But we breathe
We breathe

I wanna breeze and an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean
Wanna take my time for me
All me

So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home"

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